
jobaid Friday, October 27, 2017 0 comments

Defination Of Sentence

A sentence is a group of words expressing a complete sense.A sentence is an essential unit of language which can able to express a complete thought.

Example :-
Nazzar is a good student.
Please try to make out here are five words which giving a complete meaning.So it can be called a sentence.

Classification Of Sentence According To Structure

According to the strcture,sentence are 3 in numbers.
1.Simple Sentence
2.Complex Sentence
3.Compound Sentence

Simple Sentence:-

A simple sentence must have one subject and one finite verb and it will be an independent clause.
Example :-
He wants a pen.
They play football.
Here both sentence have one subject and one finite verb and its a simple sentence.

Compound Sentence:-

A compund sentence consists of two simple sentences.It contains more than one independent clause and it has two subjects with two verbs.And,but or are three compound sentence introducer.
He is poor but he is honest

Complex Sentence:-

A complex sentence contains one independent or principal clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clause.When,that,so that,which,while,untill,as,where,before,why,unless,since,though are some complex sentence introducer.
I know where he was born.
Though he is poor,he is honest.

Classification Of Sentence According To Meaning

According to the meaning sentence are 5 in numbers.
1.Assertive Sentence
2.Interrogative Sentence
3.Imperative Sentence
4.Optative Sentence
5.Exclamatory Sentence

Assertive Sentence:-
Assertive Sentence always gives a simple statement.
Example:-I know him.
I eat rice.
Tarik has a nice pen.

Interrogative Sentence:-
A sentence which asks a question to someone about anything is called interrogative sentence.
Who has broken the bottle?
What is your father name?
Imperative Sentence:-
A sentence that expresses advice,order,request,command and so on is called an imperative sentence.
Example:-Open the door,Do the math,Come here etc.

Optative Sentence:-
Optative sentece always expresses desire,prayer and wish.
Example:-May you live long.,May Allah help you.

Exclamatory Sentence:-
Exclamatory Sentence expresses sudden feeling or emotion.
Example:-What a vitory!,Alas!he has failed.

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